Without accurate financial reporting, it is impossible to earn the confidence of investors or have a sound basis for management to allocate resources and measure business performance.

Financial Reporting & Controls

There are times when a company is undergoing rapid growth, a significant business transition, or departure of key finance employees that the finance function needs to be supplemented by highly trained, flexible resources.

Through our partner, MBP CFO Solutions, we can provide the full slate of resources required to prepare for IPO, close an acquisition, or respond effectively to financial reporting demands from investors or regulators. Because these are typically high stakes, often fast turnaround, situations, you need a firm with the capacity to surge and get work done quickly.

We are ready to meet those needs, with capabilities including:

  • CFO, VP of Financial Reporting, or Controller (interim or permanent)

  • US GAAP or IFRS financial statements

  • Preparation of SEC filings

  • Internal controls analysis and remediation

  • ERP implementation (Oracle or SAP)

  • wdesk financial reporting and SEC filing collaboration platform implementation

  • Budgeting and expense control

  • Cash flow management

  • FCPA compliance